Famous Quotes by Mahatma Gandhi

Famous Quotes by Mahatma Gandhi

The whole world will commemorate Gandhi Ji's 153rd birthday on Saturday, October 2, 2022. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in Porbandar, Gujarat, on October 2, 1869. Every year, his birthday is commemorated as Gandhi Jayanti to honor him and his principles. During the Indian war for independence, Gandhi Ji used nonviolent ways to resist the British Empire. People all across the world are inspired by his lifestyle and thoughts. Here...

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8 powerful quotes by Mahatma Gandhi to get inspired from

8 powerful quotes by Mahatma Gandhi to get inspired from

What Bapu taught us? Here are some forgotten things that we should learn from Bapu for living a better life, quotes by Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi Jayanti 2020 Mahatma Gandhi, the powerful leader that fought for his dream. A dream of Independent India and a dream of peace in the country. His qualities like simplicity, leadership, and peacefulness always inspire people from all over the world. He left his well-settled career...

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