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As seen on Shark Tank India Season 3 !

Swag Bhi Sanskar Bhi

As seen on Shark Tank India Season 3 !

Swag Bhi Sanskar Bhi

As seen on Shark Tank India Season 3 !

Swag Bhi Sanskar Bhi

As seen on Shark Tank India Season 3 !

Swag Bhi Sanskar Bhi

As seen on Shark Tank India Season 3 !

Swag Bhi Sanskar Bhi

As seen on Shark Tank India Season 3 !

Swag Bhi Sanskar Bhi

As seen on Shark Tank India Season 3 !

Swag Bhi Sanskar Bhi

As seen on Shark Tank India Season 3 !

Swag Bhi Sanskar Bhi

As seen on Shark Tank India Season 3 !

Swag Bhi Sanskar Bhi

As seen on Shark Tank India Season 3 !

Swag Bhi Sanskar Bhi

As seen on Shark Tank India Season 3 !

Swag Bhi Sanskar Bhi

Indigifts Blog

10 Reasons Why Grandparents are the best?

by Team Indigifts :) 08 Sep 2019 1 comment

Grandparents are the roots of the family. They are experienced, knowledgeable and well informed. They are aware of the dynamics of life and share their valuable life lessons to help the newer generation learn and grow. Grandparents are kid’s best buddies when it comes to having unlimited fun. Grandparents pamper you a lot and even love you more than their child.

Some of the reasons to remind you why are Grandparents the best-

 1. They Say Yes when Parents say No

Kids love it when they get to do the stuff for which their parents said No. Grandparents are the ones to whom children go to get their things done. For instance -If parents say no for ice cream, grandparents will buy one for you.

 2. Unconditional love and support

They love you unconditionally and are ready to do anything for your happiness. They support you and understand you in your tough times, even when your parents don’t and they always give a ray of hope. You know they are always there by your side and you can count on them.  


3. Forgiveness

Let’s face it we are not good towards them all the time… Sometimes we don’t meet them in the whole day being in the same house, we don’t call them for months, we catch a quick attitude at one of their silly joke or comment, talk to them rudely or not understand their point of view - but whatever may be the circumstance they always forgive their little ones

4. They remind you to be thankful for the simple things in life.

Youth often forgets to appreciate life and are often caught up in stress, competition, jealousy, and whatnot. Grandparents always teach you to be thankful for the beautiful life God has given you and always make you acknowledge the little things that you have in your life.

5. Proud of Grandchildren

Grandparents are always full of pride for their grandchildren. A small achievement of the child makes them believe their child is an expert. To you, getting 95% is like amazing, unbelievable but to your grandparents, it’s like bragging to all the relatives and friends. It's normal for grandparents to love and share all of your accomplishments, but they don't do it to show themselves off, instead, they do it because they are proud of you.


6. Your side is always taken.

Your grandparents will take your side over their own child’s side. You don’t need to worry much who is wrong or right when your dada & dadi is by your side, instead your parents might get scolded by them. If your parent scolds you, the possibility is your grandparents will come in your support.

7. They’ve renewed our faith in soulmates.

Looking at our grandparent’s bond, we feel how wonderful and amazing they are together. They make fun of each other, argue, criticize, play games and care so much for each other. They always support each other through thick and thin.

8. They tell great stories

Grandparents tell great stories of your parents, fictional stories, stories of their struggles or life stories. One of the most relaxing moments is sitting next to them and listening to their stories, lessons, and guidance.

9. They never let you leave empty-handed.

Grandparents never let you leave empty-handed when you are going to a hostel or vacations or anywhere out. During the festive season, they gift you or stuff you with food and all the love. They always go above and beyond if you ask them for anything.


10. Give good advice

Grandparents give great advice as they have a lifetime of experience. It is not wrong to say that they have experienced different flavors of life and has gone through ups and downs.

Grandparents are best friends of a child, the savior of a teenager and life advisors for a grown-up. Don’t forget to wish your Grandparents - HAPPY GRANDPARENTS DAY and express your love and gratitude.

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1 comment

09 Sep 2020 Anita Gupta

All reasons Rightly said. Grandparents are your best buddies always.

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