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by Indibni Support 12 Jun 2019 0 Comments


The bond with our fathers is not as simple as with our mothers. Fathers are the ones who are authoritative, disciplinarian and boss of the house. Fathers are responsible for the emotional well-being of their children and are capable of caretakers and teachers. We often create a distance with our father subconsciously which keeps on widening with time. It’s necessary to break those walls and grow the closeness with our dad.

Here are some simple ways to strengthen and enhance your bond with your father-

 1. Tell your Father, you love him.

Tell your father you love him every now and then, no matter what is the current situation between you and him. A father feels motivated and inspired when he hears the child telling him how much he loves him. It’s not okay to think that he knows that you love him or he is dad, he’ll understand. It is best to speak out to your dad and express to him that you love him. Talking and appreciating each other bring the father and child closer.


2. Start and maintain a Bedtime schedule.

Making and following a bedtime schedule help the father and child to bond. The bedtime schedule may include reading out stories, sharing anecdotes, talking about life, discussing problems or watching something together. The night time should be calm, relaxing and enjoyable for both father and child. It brings them closer and together.



3. Perform activities with your Dad.

The key is to perform the different activities with your dad which you and he enjoy together, it can be reading, art and craft, music, playing, cooking, etc. which let you both explore each other fun and silly side. There are many fun things to do with your dad at home which leads to small talks, memories sharing and lots of laughter. Amidst all this, you get to see the different shades of your father from being a kid to a teacher.


4. Help your Father.

Try to help your dad in whichever way you can; no matter if you are living in a different city, state or country. Help your father with mobiles, social media, paying bills online or any other help he wants. Don’t make yourself that busy that your father hesitates before asking for help and thus avoids taking your help. In another scenario, there are good chances that your father won't take your help when you offer, nevertheless at least try to lend him your hand once in a while. It is a small thing but it will matter a lot to him.


5. Eat meals together.

“A family that eats together stays together”-It is no new saying but is true in every sense. Eating together leads to sharing, talking and enjoying each other's company. Today we have forgotten the importance of having our meal together and we rather just prefer sitting in front of the mobile or Television and feed our stomach but eating together not only does that but also feeds us emotionally and draws us together.


6. Show him he is your priority.

It is important to depict your priorities in the phase of growing up, we begin to give a lot of priority to our friends, career, work and often take our father and mother for granted. In our busy and stress-filled life we many times don’t pay attention to them while not realizing time passes so fast and they are the only ones who love us unconditionally and wholeheartedly. Value and respect your dad, they are the best part of everybody’s life.

7. Plan for vacations.

Life is all about learning and living the experience. Go for a vacation with your dad, it can be either a small or big holiday but it’s important to spend time with your father. Go out from your city to a holy place or a beach where the distractions of life don’t bother you. The vacation is something that will connect you with your father and give rise to a lot of new experiences, memories, and happiness. Life is too short to be stressed and loaded with work, take time to relax, chill and build your relationship with your father.



8. Ask about his life.

Ask your dad about his school, college, job days, ask him about his experiences, his colleague, his boss, his marriage, his holidays. Try to know him, what he was, why he changed, what he learned from his experiences, what he likes or dislikes. Dad’s generally are not very talkative and they tend to not talk about their past life. It’s exciting to discover your dad and unveil many unsaid stories.


Take the help of these ways and get to know the most special person in your life-YOUR DAD. This Father’s Day express your heart to your Father and surprise him with the amazing gift collection of Indigifts.



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